what to expect
If you're new to LifePoint Church, we want you to feel like family. Here are a few frequently asked questions that we hope will make you feel more at home on your first visit with us.

Where should I park?
What is the music like?
What should I wear?
We’re honored to have guests come visit, and we want treat you right, starting the minute you pull on the campus. When you pull in the parking lot, please turn on your flashers and our happy parking crew in the bright yellow vests will direct you to a parking spot right in front of the main entrance.
Our worship reflects the diversity of our congregation. Whether you like Gospel, Contemporary Christian music, or worship God in another language entirely, there’s something for you at LifePoint Church.
You might see one person in a 3-piece suit and tie, another one in sneakers and jeans, and someone else in flip flops and shorts. So come as you are—that’s how people came to Jesus after all.